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New York University - La Pietra Dialogues: ''Democracy and Dissent''

New York University - La Pietra Dialogues: "Democracy and Dissent"
Date April 17, 2012, 10:00 am - 5:30 pm

From Madrid to Cairo, Tel Aviv, Rome and New York, protests have erupted across the globe in what Time Magazine called ´a contagion of protest´ against economic instability, political unaccountability and corruption, and characterized by a prevailing sense of disillusionment. This Dialogue will examine the defining characteristics of these movements: Where are the ideas coming from and how are they being expressed? How influential is social media in the structure and philosophy of these movements? In what direction are they going? What are the potential outcomes for the demands for reform? What impact will these movements have on political decision-making and legislative agendas? Are they developing a new model of horizontal organization and democratic engagement?
New York University
Villa La Pietra
Via Bolognese, 120
50139 Florence - Italy