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mercoledì 05 febbraio 2025

''The Guardian of Mercy'', il libro di Terence Ward alla New York University Florence


Mercoledì 15 Febbraio, alle ore 18.00, Terence Ward presenta il suo nuovo libro in lingua inglese "The Guardian of Mercy. How an Extraordinary Painting by Caravaggio Changed an Ordinary Life Today", in occasione del ciclo Museum Meetings alla New York University Florence (Villa La Pietra - Via Bolognese, 120).
Meraviglia dell'arte italiana, la pala d'altare con cui il Caravaggio si inchina alla solidarietà umana offre a chi la osserva un innovativo punto di vista sulle opere di misericordia, pietra fondante di qualsiasi fede. Attraverso lo sguardo del fiero custode del prezioso dipinto, si snoda il viaggio insolito di Terence Ward nelle Sette Opere di Misericordia. 

"Tucked inside a tiny church in Naples hangs one of the wonders of Italian art. This altarpiece by the painter Caravaggio offers a radical and fresh take on human solidarity, the cornerstone of all faiths. The unusual true story told in this book unfolds through the eyes of Angelo, who guards the painting as if it were his own. The seven Acts of Mercy was created four hundrede years ago while Caravaggio was fleeing his murder conviction and the dreaded Roman police. It carries a visionary message.
Brimming with suspense, color, and contrast, the narrative follows the painter through a succession of offerings: food for the hungry, water to the thirsty, a roof for those without, clothes for the naked, care for the sick and those behind bars, and burials for the dead". Terence Ward
