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mercoledì 05 febbraio 2025

''The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of Pi'', il poeta Eugene Ostashevsky a Villa La Pietra

Lunedì 19 Giugno, alle ore 18.00, lo scrittore russo-americano Eugene Ostashevsky presenterà una performance unica, tratta dalla sua ultima fatica The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of Pi, poesia-romanzo sulle difficoltà di comunicazione tra pirati e pappagalli, a Villa La Pietra, sede di New York University a Firenze (Via Bolognese 120).
L'appuntamento fa parte della tredicesima edizione di The Season, la rassegna di concerti, letture, spettacoli di danza, rappresentazioni teatrali in lingua originale che quest’anno prevede anche l’inaugurazione di una mostra di arti visive.


The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of PI
Reading and performance by the author Eugene Ostashevsky.
A poem-novel about challenges in communication between pirates and parrots.

Eugene Ostashevsky is the author of The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of Pi, a poetry novel about communication challenges in pirate-parrot relationships, released recently by the New York Review of Books. His other poetry collections include The Life and Opinions of DJ Spinoza. As translator, he primarily works on the Russian avant-garde but he did help with Elisa Biagini’s the Guest in the Woods, winner of the Best Translated Book Award for 2014. His other awards include the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin fellowship, the National Translation Award, the NEA, and the Sigfried-Unseld Gastprofessur in Berlin. A professor of Liberal Studies at NYU, he has repeatedly taught at NYU Florence, and is now teaching at NYU Paris.

Evento a ingresso gratuito, ma con prenotazione obbligatoria per e-mail a o telefonando allo 055/5007210.

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